How to Agree

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How to Agree

Phrase Function Good Situation to Use It
True! Agreement When you fully agree with someone
That’s absolutely true. Agreement When you fully agree with someone
You’re reading my mind. Agreement When someone expresses exactly what you were thinking
I couldn’t agree more. Agreement When you fully agree with someone
I agree with you wholeheartedly. Agreement When you fully agree with someone
I agree. Agreement When you agree with someone
We’re on the same page about this. Agreement When you and someone else have the same understanding
That’s a good point. Agreement When someone makes a valid point
I’m in complete agreement. Agreement When you fully agree with someone
That makes total sense. Agreement When something is logical and understandable
I know exactly what you mean. Understanding When you understand someone's perspective
We see eye to eye. Agreement When you and someone else have the same understanding
You’re correct. Agreement When someone is correct
My opinion corresponds with yours. Agreement When your opinion aligns with someone else's
Our opinions coincide very well. Agreement When your opinions align with someone else's
You’ve touched on the essence of what I was trying to say. Understanding When someone understands the main point you were trying to make
Our thoughts are in complete accord. Agreement When your thoughts align with someone else's
I’m in full agreement with you. Agreement When you fully agree with someone
I subscribe to your point of view. Agreement When you agree with someone's perspective
I think your point is very well taken. Agreement When you agree with someone's perspective
I’m glad to see that we’re on the same page. Agreement When you and someone else have the same understanding
Common sense tells me you’re right. Agreement When something is logical and understandable
We’re on the same wavelength. Agreement When you and someone else have the same understanding
I’m square with you on that. Agreement When you agree with someone
I have no problem with that. Agreement When you agree with someone
Your view of things is well received. Understanding When you understand someone's perspective
Your point has relevance. Agreement When you agree with someone's perspective
I have no qualms with your perception of things. Agreement When you agree with someone's perspective
I concede the point. Agreement When you acknowledge someone else's point
I give up—you win. Surrender When you give up in an argument
You’re going to keep arguing until I give up, so have it your way. Surrender When you give up in an argument
You’re right, as always. [sarcasm] Disagreement When you disagree with someone sarcastically