1.7 Understand Basic Sentences Introducing Someone

#learningobjectives #reading #introductions #introducing

Can understand basic sentences introducing someone

  1. Hi, my name is John. I'm from New York and I work as a teacher. 👨‍🏫
  2. Nice to meet you. My name is Sarah and I'm from London. I work in finance. 📊
  3. Hello, I'm Alex. I'm originally from Paris and I'm a software engineer. 💻
  4. Hi there, my name is Emily. I'm from Los Angeles and I'm a graphic designer. 🎨
  5. Greetings, I'm David. I'm from Sydney and I work in marketing. 📣
  6. Hello, my name is Maria. I'm from Madrid and I'm a journalist. ✍
  7. Nice to meet you. I'm Michael. I'm from Toronto and I work in IT. 🖱
  8. Hi, I'm Sophie. I'm from Berlin and I'm a student. 👨‍🎓
  9. Hello there, my name is James. I'm from Boston and I work in sales. 🤝
  10. Greetings, I'm Rachel. I'm from Melbourne and I'm a doctor. ⚕