1.6 Recognise familiar names, words and very basic phrases on simple notices.

#english #learningobjectives #reading #A1 #nouns #notices

Recognise familiar names, words and very basic phrases on simple notices

Notice Where you might see it Phonetic Pronunciation Emoji
No smoking Restaurants, public buildings noh smoh-king 🚭
Keep off the grass Parks, gardens keep off thuh grahs 🌿
Push or pull Doors push or pull πŸšͺ
Entrance only Doors, gates en-truhns ohn-lee πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ
Exit only Doors, gates eg-zit ohn-lee πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ
Open/closed Storefronts, restaurants oh-puhn/klohzd πŸ•°οΈ
Men/women/restroom Public buildings, restaurants men/wim-uhn/res-troom 🚻
Staff only Offices, backrooms staf ohn-lee πŸ‘₯
No parking Parking lots, streets noh pahr-king πŸš«πŸ…ΏοΈ
Please wait to be seated Restaurants pleez wayt too bee see-ted 🍽️
Cash only Stores, restaurants kash ohn-lee πŸ’°
Sale Stores, advertisements sail πŸ’Έ
Lost and found Public buildings lost and found πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ
Do not disturb Hotel rooms doh not dis-turb πŸšͺ🀫
Quiet please Libraries, classrooms kwai-et pleez 🀫
Beware of dog Gates, fences bih-wair ohv dawg πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί
Emergency exit Buildings, airplanes ih-mur-jen-see eg-zit πŸ†˜πŸšͺ
Fire alarm Buildings, schools fahyuhr uh-lahrm πŸ”₯🚨
Caution/warning Hazardous areas, construction sites kaw-shun/wor-ning ⚠️
Recycling bin Parks, public areas ree-sy-kling bin πŸ—‘οΈπŸŒ±